All posts by Matt

Have You Ever Hidden Anything?

You are going away and you think you must hide something important in the house. When you return one or two weeks later you clearly remember what it was, but where, O where, did you hide it? “I’m sure it was in this room”, and your thorough search reveals nothing!

Things that are hidden often need to be revealed. Perhaps that was what Matthew in his gospel meant by saying “The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field” (Matthew 13 v 44). So how to explain this hidden treasure?

Loren Eiseley, in The Starfish Story, said this:

A couple were walking along the seashore and saw a figure moving like a dancer. As they came closer they saw the figure was an old man and he was not dancing. “May we ask what you are doing?” The old man paused, looked up and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean”. “Why?” the couple asked. The old man smiled “Because the sun is up and the tide is going out. If I do not throw them in they will die”. The couple said, “There are miles and miles of beach and starfish along every mile. You can’t possibly make a difference!” At this, the old man bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the ocean. He said, “It made a difference to that one!”

And Jesus is like that, He knows the treasures in Heaven He has for us. Each one of us is so special to Him, down to our unique set of fingerprints. He wants to find us and help us to that safe haven for eternity. So, if you are dry and beached, or the tidal events of life are flooding in, remember Jesus, the Beachcomber of Galilee, is looking for you. Why not give Him a shout, “Help” will do, it can be called prayer.

And yes, in case you ask, for me the important item was in the back bedroom, in the teapot, if only I could have remembered sooner!…

Pastor Jim Beveridge


As our theme for November had been ‘Hidden Treasure’ our craft activities were all related to treasure. Coins from around the world were available for coin rubbing onto paper. Shoe boxes were gift wrapped to receive ‘treasure’ to send, via Samaritan’s Purse charity, to children who will not have much this Christmas. Our children made treasure boxes in which to collect chocolate coins that were reward for treasure seeking and various tasks undertaken.

Join us next time on Sunday 1st December at the village hall for All Things Christmas from 10.00am. A warm welcome awaits one and all.

Whose Flag Do You Sail Under?

A flag can signal or indicate a number of things. A country’s flag, a white flag of surrender or a flag of convenience, used on ships where registration is under a country other than the owner’s country. It can be used as a courtesy, as a ship sails into a foreign port, it will often raise the flag of that country as a mark of respect. We put flags at half-mast when sad events happen, or the Royal Pennant is flown over the House the Queen occupies.

Now the Bible in Song of Songs (Ch 2 v 4) talks of a different flag, a banner, not just a piece of material but ‘His banner over me is love’. Alternatively, Jesus’ banner, or covering, over me (and you) is love.

So, in Song of Songs we get the Flag of Flags! The picture given is of a banquet in a delightful shade and we can imagine the banner on the wall behind the table not only says love but is love in action. In that place we can feel the love of God in His goodness and grace for us.

But there are other flags such as a pirate ship would show, the skull and crossbones. The ship of death flying the flag of destruction. These ships carry the cargo of materialism, selfishness, evil and world values on a voyage to the rocks of ruin. They sail close to the wind, the ship of chance but never reaching a good port. If we are not careful we can be part of that overloaded ship, the ship that will turn turtle on our lives and cast us to a watery end.

The flag of the skull and crossbones or the banner of Jesus’ love. What would you put on the Jesus flag that you design to signify Him? Then when you have finished your design would you be happy to sail your life under that flag?

Whose flag do you sail under now?

Pastor Jim Beveridge


As the Song of Songs verse ‘His banner over me is love’ was our theme for October it was fitting that we had Yvonne Taylor join us for the morning. Yvonne is a banner worship leader at Crowhurst Home of Healing and she spent time showing us how to make banners that we could use in our worship time. Some of our youngsters made musical tubes and tambourines using bells and streamers. We were also encouraged to write our praises to God on a praise bunting to be displayed in church. It was lovely to have Yvonne demonstrate worship dance using the banners and there was even opportunity, for those brave enough, to try worship dance for ourselves.

We always have fun, so do join us for our next Squeeze on Sunday 3rd November from 10.00am at Herstmonceux Village Hall where, at no cost, both breakfast and treasure waits to be found!


Have you seen the colourful Stargazer Lilies in people’s gardens? With the fine weather, they are tall, multi-bloomed flowers that sway in the breeze. The lily does not struggle, it does not have a worried look, it is there to grow and be beautiful.

Jesus, in the warmth of the Holy Land noticed them. So one day, on a Mount, He said “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not neither do they spin.” (Matthew 6v28). He tries to show us in His flower picture how to be free. Free of what? – our cares, anxieties about how we look and how we dress. Rather we should be dressed, or covered, in His peace and rest in His light. Then your face will reflect His beauty.

Graham Kendrick, the songwriter, wrote of Jesus ‘Having hands that flung stars in space’. How was that possible? Because Jesus was there at Creation. The lilies in our gardens at night can gaze at the stars. The Stargazer Lily blooms can glisten in the starlight and reflect the moonlight. Jesus says of this simple lily that even Solomon in all his glory was not adorned like one of them.

So, today do not strive to be a follower of fashion, rest with Jesus and gaze at the maker of heaven and earth. You may not be the only Stargazer in your garden – “Consider the lilies of the field…”

Pastor Jim Beveridge



September Squeeze had a theme of giving our worries to God because He cares for us. There was opportunity to make origami lilies and fan water lilies in keeping with Jim’s talk. Also, flowers that when placed on water opened up their petals to symbolise us opening up and giving our worries to God. Everyone got involved with the ‘hunt the cuddly toys, draw them and rearrange words to find a text’, sounds complicated but was great fun so expect to see another version soon.



The next Squeeze will be on Sunday 6th October from 10.00am at the village hall and all are warmly invited to this free of charge event. The theme will be “His banner over me is love”, do join us if you can.