What’s On

Sunday Worship
We meet at the Free Church every Sunday except for when it’s Community Breakfast. The service starts at 10:45am. There is worship, fellowship and bible study. Everyone is welcome. Alongside the main meeting is the group for children.
Sunday Evening Prayer Meeting
A time of prayer, praise and bible discussion every Sunday evening at the Church, 7pm.
Joint Meeting With Parish Churches
In months containing a 5th Sunday there is a joint evening meeting with the parish churches.
Community Breakfast
Usually every first Sunday of the month, this event is held at the village hall at 10am. A breakfast club with family crafts, the sunday papers and refreshments.
Small Groups
Small groups have times of prayer, bible study and fellowship. They are currently meeting at the chapel on Tuesdays at 11am, and on Thursdays at 7:30pm at Lime End Farm. If you would like to join one of these groups then please come along!